About YAD  關於佛青

The Origin 總團緣起

Venerable Hui Chuan

(English translation by YAD Sydney) 

The Propagation of Buddhism Depends On Me

The birth of any nation or organization has its background, causes and conditions. The origin of the "Buddha's Light International Association—Young Adult Division" is no different.



法脈傳承  捨我其誰


Causes and conditions ripened the birth of YAD 

During March 22nd to March 24th of 1996, BLIA World Headquarters & Hsi Lai Temple jointly organized the First American & Canadian Buddhist youth Camp at Hsi Lai Temple in California, USA. About 100 participants from 23 universities of Canada (Vancouver and Edmonton) and USA (Texas, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Arizona and California) attended. Coincidentally, Grand Master Hsing Yun was on his Dharma promotion tour in the United States at the time, and as Grand Master Hsing Yun has always highly valued and cherished the youth, he agreed to the invitation from the organizers to give a speech for the participants.

During the speech, Grand Master Hsing Yun pointed out that to understand a nation's future, we look at the youth of the nation; similarly, to know the future of Buddhism, we can look at the efforts of Buddhist youth. He then mentioned many of the world's famous leaders of past and present, who had been very dedicated in their youth and went through many difficulties in order to succeed in their career. Further, Grand Master Hsing Yun pointed out that, during the history of Buddhism, Sakyamuni Buddha and Grand Master Xuen Zhuan from China devoted their youth to Buddhism, and only by their going through many hardships and overcoming many obstacles do we have today's accomplishments. Therefore, youth is Buddhism's future hope. Grand Master Hsing Yun's words inspired the participants to contribute to the promotion of Dharma. They sincerely requested Grand Master Hsing Yun to form a Buddhist youth group to allow more youths to work together to promote Buddhism. This proposal immediately received Grand Master Hsing Yun's support, and was approved with immense applause at the "BLIA First Meeting of the Second Board of Directors" held in Malaysia on April 23rd of the same year. Hence an internationally based youth group affiliated with BLIA was born.

因緣成熟 總團誕生

一九九六年三月二十二日至二十四日由國際佛光會世界總會主辦,佛光山西來寺承辦的「第一屆美加佛教青年生活營」,正式在美國加州西來寺舉行。來自加拿大溫 哥華、愛明頓,及美國德州、北卡羅來納州、奧克拉荷馬州、亞利桑那州、加州等地共二十三所大學近百名學子參加。適逢星雲大師蒞臨美國弘法,向來重視青年、 愛護青年的大師,應主辦單位之請,特為青年朋友們開示。

座談中,大師指出,想了解一個國家的未來興衰,先看這個國家的青年;相同的,想知道佛教的未來發展,一樣看佛教青年的表現。緊接著又提到古今中外多少叱吒 風雲的領袖,也都是在青年時期獻身國家民族,拋頭顱、灑熱血,才得以完成偉大的事業;而佛教的歷史,教主釋迦牟尼佛、中國的玄奘大師,也都是在青年時期投 入,經歷多少的苦難,克服了多少的難關,才有如今的大成就,所以青年是佛教未來的希望。這一席話,激發了每位青年對弘揚佛法的使命感,並懇求大師成立佛教 青年社團,為光大佛教盡一份心力。而此項提案,立即受到大師的支持,並於當年四月二十三日在馬來西亞舉辦的「國際佛光會第二屆第一次理事會」熱烈掌聲中通 過,因此,一個隸屬於國際佛光會的國際性青年社團於焉產生。

The Bodhi seeds of Buddhism permeate across the five continents  

The First International Buddhist Youth Conference, organized by BLIA and co-organized by BLIA-YAD and BLIA R.O.C, was held at Fo Guang Shan from January 1st to January 3rd of 1997. The conference gathered together over six hundred Buddhist youths from 95 different areas across the five continents. At the time, there had been a number of incidents relating to religion in Taiwan that caused many people in the society to misunderstand the Buddhism. Thus the conference's main focus was to allow the youth, through Buddhism, to develop a righteous view of life, to practice Dharma in daily life, to care for society and promote national and world peace. For this reason, during the opening ceremony, Grand Master Hsing Yun said to the participants that today's youths have to have responsibility, gratitude, kinship, and compassion. He specifically emphasized that the one who is gratefulness, is the richest. This pointed out a clear direction for this conference.

After three days of Dharma talks, discussions and interactions under the guidance of venerables of Fo Guang Shan, the participants formalized the objectives of the BLIA-YAD:

At the same time participants also raised following points regarding the future development of the BLIA-YAD:

With the outstanding performances, knowledge and enthusiasm of Buddha's Light youths, plus the inauguration of 23 YAD subdivisions during the opening ceremony, Grand Master Hsing Yun was deeply touched and said, "The formation of YAD subdivisions around the world is like spreading Bodhi seeds. Do not underestimate a seed, one day it will grow. Do not underestimate even little causes and conditions, when they ripen, the whole universe will quiver. The future of Buddhist youth is boundless." He continued, "Although BLIA-YAD is a small step for BLIA, it is a great leap for human kind."

菩提種子 分布五洲

一九九七年一月一日至三日由國際佛光會主辦,佛光青年團及中華總會承辦的「第一屆國際佛教青年會議」於佛光山隆重揭幕﹐來自全世界五大洲,九十五個地區﹐ 六百多名佛教青年參與。由於適逢台灣連串的宗教事件,社會大眾對佛教存有某種程度的誤解,如何讓青年在正信佛教中,建立正確的人生觀,將佛法落實生活中, 進而關懷社會,促進國家與世界和平,成為此次大會討論的重點。因而在開幕典禮的時候,大師開示道:「現代的青年,應具有責任感、感恩心、結緣觀、慈悲念, 並強調能感恩者,才是最富貴的人。」為本次大會揭示出明確的方向。



對佛光青年連日來的傑出表現,知見的超凡、態度的熱忱,加上開幕典禮有二十三個分團成立,大師有感而發地說﹕「世界各地青年團的成立﹐意謂著菩提種子的播 灑。不要看輕一粒種子﹐將來它會茁壯成長﹔不要看輕一點因緣﹐將它傳播﹐也會震動三千大千世界。相信佛教青年的未來,無可限量」又說:「佛光青年團雖然是 佛光會的一小步,卻是世界人類的一大步。」

Grand Master Hsing Yun's Words—Guidelines for the youth

After returning to their countries, Buddha's Light youths actively involved in various temple and BLIA activities, bringing local youth in touch with Buddhism. Within just one year, BLIA-YAD Malaysia established 12 youth organizations across the country. BLIA-YAD Philippines organized three consecutive youth camps, each with over one hundred participants, during the April holidays. BLIA-YAD subdivisions in New Zealand and Australia jointly organized the "Australia and New Zealand Buddhist Youth Camp." BLIA-YAD Los Angeles assisted the BLIA-YAD Headquarters in establishing various rules and regulations. Furthermore, Buddhist youths from 29 regions in 9 countries officially applied to join BLIA-YAD under everyone's support and encouragement.

The 2nd IBLYC started on January 1st, 1998, with youths from over 20 countries including USA, Australia, Canada, United Kingdom, South Korea, Sweden, Holland, Paris, Germany, New Zealand, South Africa, Japan, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia and Philippines. Altogether, more than 700 BLIA-YAD youths from over 20 countries and 80 regions gathered at Fo Guang Shan for the 3 days conference. In recognition of the excellent achievements of overseas BLIA-YAD, the R.O.C Government sent its delegate Mr. The-Fu Huang to the conference for encouragement. During his speech, Mr. Huang confirmed the benefits of such events, as the conference does not only discuss Buddhist teachings but also addresses social issues by encouraging the moral views of youth. An award of NT$500, 000 was also presented to the organizers.

In his speech during the conference, Grand Master Hsing Yun encouraged young adults to understand in belief, morality, propagation and life path. In terms of belief, youths ought to possess right thoughts and right views to avoid falling into evil. In terms of morality, youths ought to have standards of moral conduct. Towards society, youths ought to possess a heart of gratitude and the will to contribute. In human interactions, youths ought to give others confidence, joy, hope and convenience. In propagation, youths ought to spread the bright and meaningful side of life, especially making the various educational and cultural endeavors of FGS known to the wider public. In terms of life path, youths ought to understand how to plan their own life, not wasting the golden years of their life. In addition, Grand Master wholeheartedly reminded Buddhist youths: for themselves, to "always remember your aspiration"; for the nation, to "be of service"; for friends, to "let go of past quarrels"; for society, to "live according to conditions but maintain your principles". All of these precious pieces of advice have become guidelines for BLIA-YAD youths.

After a year of diligent cultivation, the number of BLIA-YAD subdivisions grew from the initial 23 to 52. In the "Executive Report", representatives from different subdivisions seized the opportunity to share their progress in the past year. In the "Talent Exchange", every subdivision showed their multifaceted skills. In addition, in order to present what happened during the conference, every representative was also busy listening and taking notes. Upon seeing how every youth participated, and their talent and energy, Grand Master said joyfully, "What Fo Guang Shan has achieved so far is nothing; if you can pass it down and make it even more prosperous in the future, that will be the greatest achievement!" This aspiration encouraged BLIA-YAD young adults to endeavor to spread the ideals of Humanistic Buddhism and to bring more youths in touch with Buddhism.

大師開示 青年圭臬

躬逢盛會的佛光青年,返回僑居地後,積極投入各項寺院、佛光會的活動,帶動當地的青年學佛。短短一年,馬來西亞佛光青年在全馬設立十二個青年組織。菲律賓 佛光青年在四月份的假期裡,連續辦理三梯次皆是百人以上的生活營。紐澳地區的佛光青年,聯合舉辦「澳紐青年會議」。洛杉磯佛光青年協助總團部建立各種規章 制度。另外,有九個國家、二十九個地區的青年學子,在大家的努力推動下,正式申請加入佛光青年團。

「第二屆國際佛光青年會議」於一九九八年一月一日舉行,來自美國、澳洲、加拿大、英國、漢城、瑞士、荷蘭、巴黎、德國、紐西蘭、南非、日本、香港、印尼、 馬來西亞及菲律賓等二十多個國家,八十餘地區,七百多位佛光青年齊聚在佛光山召開為期三日的會議。有感於海外佛光青年傑出的表現,中華民國政府特派青輔會 黃德福主委蒞會,致詞中黃主委非常肯定舉辦此項活動,因為這個會議不只是探討佛理,同時對青年有端正的作用,對社會有教化的功能,並代表政府頒發新台幣五 十萬元獎勵。

而大師於致詞中期勉青年朋友要有信仰、道德、文宣、生涯等認知。在信仰認知上,要具備正知、正見才不會墮入邪見。在道德認知上,要樹立道德規範及標準,對 社會懂得感恩、服務,與人相處要給人信心、歡喜、希望、方便。在文宣認知上,要廣為宣傳人生光明面及有意義的一面,尤其將佛光山辦理了許多教育、文化等事 業廣為周知。而在生涯認知上,要懂得規劃自己的人生,不要虛擲了自己的黃金歲月。此外,大師殷切叮嚀青年學子對自己要"不忘初心",對國家要做"不請之 友",對朋友要"不念舊惡",對社會要"不變隨緣",這些金玉良言,都成為佛光青年的人生圭臬。

由於經過一年的辛勤耕耘,青年分團已從二十三個,成長至五十二個,因而在青年會報中,各地代表紛紛爭取機會,報告過去一年來推動會務的成果;才藝交流時, 更是十八般武藝全數搬出,而各國學員,也以聚精會神的聆聽、認真的筆記、反覆的練習回報,唯恐有遺珠之憾,無法對不能前來的青年朋友交代。看到他們如此的 投入、才華的洋溢、無限的熱力,大師心生歡喜地說:『佛光山現在的種種成就沒什麼了不起,將來,你們能夠把它承繼下去,而且發揚光大,才是最了不起的。』 這種期許大大地鼓勵與會青年,發願返回僑居地以後,更要努力接引青年學佛,傳播人間佛教的理念。

Buddha's Light Women, Young Adults, and their historical encounter

These two conferences brought various levels of surprises and joy. IBLYC has joined the hearts of BLIA-YAD youth throughout the world. Some participants have started their own YAD subdivision in their countries; some have started learning Chinese; some have found part-time jobs to start saving for IBLYC next year; some actively recruited new members and encourage more friends to participate; some subdivisions have held similar activities to IBLYC. The seeds of Dharma have gradually sprouted and put down roots in every part of the world. This greatly aids the spread of Buddhism.

The third IBLYC and International Buddhist Elite Women Conference were held at Fo Guang Shan, from Dec. 25th, 1998, for three days. Over 1,000 elite women and BLIA-YAD members from 21 countries participated in the occasion. As it was the first time that these two events had been organized jointly, the organizers were quite apprehensive of the outcome. However, their fears proved to be unnecessary. During the final session, the youth used group cheers to present what they had learned over these few days. When Fo Guang Women talked about how they can assist Grand Master Hsing Yun in Dharma propagation, the youths responded with applause and "love cheers" at certain points. This turned a serious topic into one of light-heartedness and liveliness. Perhaps the energy and warmth exhibited by the youth also spread to Fo Guang Women. Many of them felt years younger and requested the event to be jointly organized with the youth conference again next time. In return, BLIA-YAD learned from the gentle and elegance of the mothers.

During the closing ceremony, Grand Master emphasized again that the spirit of a Bodhisattva must be combined with the energy of a youthful heart in order to spread Buddhism widely. He mentioned the great contributions of women in the history of Buddhism, highlighting the essential role of women in Buddhism. Also, Sakyamuni Buddha renounced the worldly life in the prime of his youth and his ten great disciples were also mostly young, reflecting the importance Buddhism places on young people. It is hoped that the compassion of women and energy of youth will allow Buddhism to shine over the world and the continuation of the Dharma.

佛青婦女 歷史聚會

兩次活動結束後,都帶來不同程度的震撼和喜悅,因為它聯結了海內外佛光青年,讓大家的心緊緊地扣在一起,有些青年回僑居地積極籌備青年分團;有些開始學習 中文;有些人打工賺錢;為了來年再次參加;有些人招兵買馬,鼓勵更多朋友參與;有些單位更因為學到了辦活動的方法,在當地自行舉辦了類似的活動,佛法的種 子因而漸漸地在世界各地生根發芽,此對信仰傳承助益甚大。

第三屆國際佛光青年會議與國際佛教傑出婦女會議,於一九九八年十二月二十五日一連在佛光山舉行三天,共有來自全世界二十一個國家一千多位傑出婦女及佛光青 年共同參加。由於是首次合辦這樣的活動,承辦單位心情頗為緊張,深怕青春活潑、熱情洋溢的青年,會讓賢淑端莊的佛光婦女們難以忍受,但事後發覺這種疑慮是 多餘的,在綜合報告的時候,青年朋友一面以團隊歡呼的方式,表達出這幾天的學習成果,而佛光婦女們也以成熟有深度的見解,表達出如何落實大師的教導,講到 精采處,台下的青年竟然忘情的以「愛的鼓勵」回應,讓本是嚴肅的課題,頓時變成輕鬆活潑。許是年輕人散發出的光和熱,感染了佛光婦女,會後她們紛紛表示, 自己年輕了好幾十歲,並建議下次舉行時,要再與青年朋友們合辦,而佛光青年也從溫文婉約的媽媽們身上學到了穩重端莊的氣質。

閉幕典禮時,大師再次強調菩薩心要與青年力結合在一起,才能使佛教更普遍弘傳,開示中又提到,歷史上許多婦女對佛教有傑出的貢獻,其在佛教史上的地位不可 言喻。佛陀在青年時出家,其十大弟子也多為年輕人,可見佛教是重視青年的。願婦女的慈悲及青年的熱情,讓佛光普照、法水長流。

Group invention leading to the achievements of the many

At this joint conference, a point worth mentioning was the unconditional assistance offered by BLIA-YAD overseas youth. Due to the fact that December was a very busy month, Taiwan BLIA R.O.C had assigned all of its human resources (including the IBYC organizer, BLIA-YAD R.O.C) to various major functions such as the Welcoming of the Buddha's relics, Water and Land Dharma Functions at the Fo Guang Shan, Grand Master Hsing Yun's Dharma Lecture and the "Second General Conference of the Third Board of Directors" of the BLIA R.O.C. Recognizing the imminent problem caused by the lack of human resources and time, BLIA-YAD R.O.C sent a request to the YAD Headquarters seeking assistance prior to the conference. When the YAD Headquarters received such request, they were not sure what is the best solution, so the Headquarters responded by sending an announcement of the situation to BLIA-YAD all over the world, encouraging them to go to Fo Guang Shan earlier to provide necessary assistance. To everyone's surprise, BLIA-YAD youths from places like Los Angeles, Queensland, Western Australia, New Zealand, Vancouver and Edmonton all responded wholeheartedly to the announcement. These youth adults assisted in the preparation of activities, for instance, coming up with discussion and debate topics, and researching and collecting related information. During the IBLYC, they also undertook the roles of disciplinary officers, translators, meals set-up and so on.

During that period, the many members of the YAD Chung Hwa could not be at Fo Guang Shan to participate the preparation works due to work or study. Without a second thought, the BLIA-YAD overseas youths arrived at FGS early to take care of the preparation works. From cleaning and setting up the dining hall (moving tables, washing the dishes, mopping the floors, etc) to all other major and minor duties, everyone completed the tasks with great joy. Some of the youths came from wealthy families, where they had chauffeurs and maids and probably did not even know what a broom looks like, but they still participated in cleaning up without complaint. At this lovely sight I could say this: "You are all creating history. All along, we've only ever heard of organizers doing preparation works to welcome the participants, never participants doing preparation to support the organizers. You all are able to do what Grand Master has said, to be a leader and also be led, to be able to work in all areas, and to be able to undergo hardship as well as happiness. You can all change and transform yourselves, which goes to show that you are very capable and full of love."

It is touching to see this kind of cooperation that goes beyond national borders. The BLIA-YAD youths, although unacquainted and from different countries and backgrounds, were able to work together. This demonstrates that Buddha's Light youths understand the spirit of working as a team. In the future, wherever the IBLYC is held, we will be assured of that spirit. As the cooperation between youth increases and interaction deepens, the youth will know how to liaise with each other in order to continue to spread the Dharma in the future, to bring Grand Master's ideal of Humanistic Buddhism around the world to fruition.

集體創作 成就大會

這次聯合會議,最值得一提的是,台灣中華總會在十二月連續辦理幾個大活動,恭迎佛牙舍利南來供奉大典、佛光山萬緣水陸大法會、大師佛學講座、中華總會第三 屆第二次會員代表大會,中華地區的佛光青年都全力以赴,因而忙得不可開交,乃鼓勵佛光青年回佛光山義務協助,想不到有來自美國洛杉磯、澳洲昆士蘭、西澳、 紐西蘭南島及加拿大溫哥華、愛明頓等地的佛光青年響應這個號召,協助事前的規劃工作,如擬定分組討論及舌燦蓮花的題目,並且搜尋參考資料,供與會代表參 考;並且在會議中擔任值星官、翻譯及歡送餐會主持人等角色。

這一段期間,中華的青年上班的上班、上課的上課,無法提前回到佛光山作業,而這批海外青年,義不容辭地提前回到佛光山接手事前的準備工作。從整理齋堂﹑搬 桌椅﹑折抹布﹑洗碗筷﹑拖地板﹑綁橫標﹑貼海報等等大小粗活﹐都歡歡喜喜地完成。有些來自富裕的家庭﹐平日出門有司機開車﹐在家有佣人服侍﹐不知掃帚長的 什麼樣子﹐一樣捲起袖子﹐隨著大眾出坡﹐沒有一點怨言﹐看到這些可愛可敬的一面﹐有感而發地說﹕「你們在創造歷史﹐從來只有聽說承辦單位在做事前的準備作 業﹐沒有聽說參與者發心作務來歡迎承辦單位的工作人員﹐你們真的做到大師所說的能大能小﹑能前能後﹑能苦能樂﹐你們能千變萬化﹐可以知道你們都很有能力﹐ 又充滿了愛心」。

對於這種跨國性的合作,叫人歡喜感動,因為不同國情、不同背景的青年,能夠在不相識的情況下相互支援合作,可知我們佛光青年懂得集體創作的奧妙;同時,將 來無論那一個地方承辦青年大會這種模式都可以派得上用場,青年與青年的合作日增,心靈上的交流也漸深,將來承繼信仰的法脈,相信大家更懂得通力合作,將大 師人間佛教的理念播灑出去。

Farewell twentieth century and welcome twenty first century

In September 1999, the earthquakes in Taiwan caused many deaths and injuries. Therefore BLIA decided to cancel the conference in order to help those affected by this disaster. However, all the BLIA-YAD youths did not slight their meaningful activities because of this cancellation. Instead, they were even more diligent in fundraising and providing comfort for the victims in Taiwan. Their compassionate acts were highly commended, showing the results of our three-year established BLIA-YAD.

On 28th December 2000, the fourth International Buddhist Youth Conference co-organized by BLIA-YAD R.O.C. subdivisions and Buddha's Light Youth Center gathered youth from countries such as Japan, Canada, USA, India, Switzerland, Australia, New Zealand and Taiwan at Fo Guang Shan for the four-day conference. Breaking with past ritual, the post-conference tour was moved to before the conference. Special arrangements had been made for the youths from around the world to visit the earthquake disaster areas. After the 1999 earthquakes in Taiwan, everybody rolled up their sleeves, took a fundraising box and stepped out onto the streets to solicit donations or wash cars to raise funds. These funds were used by Fo Guang Shan and BLIA to benefit many victims of the disaster, offering them peace of mind. At the same time, many were touched by the Buddha's Light members' compassion and care.

The official conference started on the 29th of December, and Grand Master Hsing Yun presided over the conference personally. Grand Master encouraged the youth with the following four recommendations; "Extensive reading, broadening knowledge through travel, making friends and handling human interactions with empathy." During the conference, Grand Master Hsing Yun also presented certificates to 13 newly established BLIA-YAD subdivisions. Back at the first conference in 1997, 23 BLIA-YAD subdivisions were established. At the beginning of the second conference in 1998, 29 BLIA-YAD subdivisions were added. At the end of 1998, another 20 BLIA-YAD subdivisions officially received certificates from Grand Master Hsing Yun. In this short period of four years, a total of 85 BLIA-YAD subdivisions have been established across five continents, leading many youths in spreading Buddhism, and bringing together the BLIA-YAD youths' passion to propagate the Dharma from generation to generation. With the efforts of all BLIA-YAD youth sharing the common goal, it is believed that a bright future for Buddhism is just around the corner.

Apart from the visits to the disaster areas, another highlight of the conference was a New Year campfire night with the Buddha's Light Scouts Group which was established in September 2000, providing a different experience for all. Because both groups were young, even a temple as big as Fo Guang Shan could not contain everyone's joyous laughter. The outstanding performances of the Buddha's Light youths won the younger scouts' thunderous applause. But the Buddha's Light Scouts Group had also prepared brilliant performances, filled with hope, happiness and self-confidence, bringing the atmosphere to a climax. Approaching the midnight hour, "Ten, nine... three, two, one, Happy New Year!", "Happy New Year!", "Happy New Year!" many shouted, accompanying the Main Shrine's 21 bells and the seven-colored fire works illuminating the sky. Almost two thousand participants and venerables bid farewell to the 20th century and welcomed the new century under the light of the campfire and the blessings of the Triple Gem Buddhas.

The closing ceremony began with everyone reading "The Resolution of Year 2000 International Buddha's Light Youth Conference." The content included: to maintain the spirit of initiative and dedication; to actively enrich ourselves and to help others; to maintain a resolve to practice the objectives of Humanistic Buddhism; and to enthusiastically look after team members and the temple. At the same time, the 12 main working goals were established for BLIA-YAD: objectives has to be established, missions has to be memorized, organization structure has to be complete, staffs have to be trained, activities have to be creative, Buddhism has to be practiced, members have to be taken care of, help all beings enthusiastically, image has to be positive, resources have to be shared, co-ordinate with the temple, YAD World Headquarters has to be contacted.

During his speech delivered at the conference, Elder Monk Hsin Ding said that the declaration for the conference can be daily learning guidelines for the BLIA-YAD youth, and he also encouraged everyone to learn throughout their life. He hopes that everyone develops a Bodhi mind in all activities, like the mind of a Bodhisattva who has wisdom through emptiness. Before the conference adjourned, we were very fortunate to participate in the Re-opening Ceremony for the Fo Guang Shan. In bidding farewell to the 20th century and welcoming the 21st century, all the BLIA-YAD youth deeply felt a sense of responsibility towards propagating Buddhism.

送走二十 迎接廿一

一九九九年因台灣921集集大地震,帶來不少的傷亡,因而佛光會決定取消該年的會議,以利救災的作業,然而各地的青年學子並沒有因大會的停辦,而疏於從事 有意義的活動,反而更加努力地在當地籌款,賑助台灣的災民,這一份悲憫的心念,令人讚嘆,更可看出三年來成立青年分團的成果。

第四屆國際佛光青年會議由中華青年分團及佛光青年中心承辦,有來自日本、加拿大、美國、印度、瑞士、澳紐、台灣等地青年,於二千年十二月二十八日齊聚在佛 光山,參加一連四天的會議。打破以往的慣例,將參訪行程置於會議之前,並且特別安排造訪災區,讓來自全球的青年親自看到,九二一地震發生後,大家捲起袖 子,拿起募款箱,走上街頭勸募、或以洗車募款,而今籌集的善款,在佛光山、佛光會的善用下,造福了多少的災民,安頓了他們的心靈,同時也體悟到佛光人同胞 物與,慈悲關懷眾生的一面。

正式會議於十二月二十九日展開,大師親臨主持,並以「廣泛閱讀、旅遊增廣、朋友相交、情愛處理」四個方向勉勵青年朋友。會中大師並頒發證書給十三個新成立 的青年分團,回想九七年第一屆大會有二十三個分團成立,九八年年初第二屆大會有二十九個分團加入,九八年年底有二十個分團正式從大師手上接到證書,短短四 年之內,共有八十五個青年分團成立,分布在世界五大洲,帶動青年學子從事佛教弘揚工作,凝聚佛光青年感情,將信仰傳承的法脈燈燈相續、代代相傳。相信在有 共同理想的佛光青年努力之下,佛教的未來發展指日可待。

而本次活動的特色,除了先前災區造訪以外,和一群甫於二千年九月成立的中華佛光童子軍合作舉辦的跨世紀營火晚會,更是帶來全所未有的經驗。尤其兩者的年紀 都很輕,偌大的佛光山似乎裝填不下他們的歡笑聲,大哥哥大姊姊們才藝超群的演出,贏得了這些弟弟妹妹們的如雷的掌聲;而佛光童子軍自備的精采節目,充滿了 希望、歡喜及自信的心情,更是將氣氛High到最高點。午夜十二時已近,「十、九、…三、二、一,新年快樂!」「新年快樂!」「新年快樂!」呼聲此起彼 落,隨即大雄寶殿敲出二十一聲鐘響,七彩的煙火照亮上空,近兩千位正在佛光山上參加活動的大小朋友和法師們,在熊熊營火照耀及三寶佛的護佑下,送走二十世 紀的最後一刻,迎接新世紀的到來。

在閉幕典禮中,大會首先宣讀「二千國際佛光青年會議決議宣言」,內容包括常保主動與奉獻精神、積極充實自我幫助別人、牢記實踐人間佛教宗旨、熱心照顧團員 護持常住等。同時確立了佛光青年分團的十二大工作目標,宗旨要確立、使命要牢記、組織要健全、幹部要訓練、活動要創新、平日要共修、團員要照顧、度眾要熱 心、形象要良好、資源要互享、道場要配合、總團要接觸。

心定和尚在會中致詞時表示,青年會議決議宣言可作為佛光青年日常學習的項目,並勉勵大家要終身學習。他期許大家在做事時要發菩提心,要與大悲心相應,要與 空性智慧相應。而在會議結束前,我們更有殊勝的因緣,參與了佛光山重啟山門的儀式,對所有與會的佛光青年來說,在送走廿十世紀,迎接新世紀之際,更深刻的 體會到承擔起如來家業、延續慧命傳承的使命感!

The Prosperity of Buddhism in years to come

Over the last five years, BLIA-YAD has gone from zero to the current status of consisting 85 subdivisions throughout five continents. BLIA-YAD actively participates in social welfare in all corners of the world and regularly carries out various tasks in the areas of culture, education and charity work in order to purify the mind and hearts of people. BLIA-YAD's enthusiasm had been highly praised by numerous others. With all these achievements, I am grateful to Grand Master Hsing Yun who gave me this learning opportunity. I would also like to express my gratitude to the Secretary General of the BLIA World Headquarters, Venerable Tzu Jung, for her guidance in many areas. As for the success of the four IBLYCs, I would like to thank BLIA R.O.C. for their full support, especially Ms. King-bao Huang for her tireless effort and endeavor made the conferences successful every single time. In addition, I would like to thank Ms. Hui-chen Yeh for her hard work for continually bringing new blood into BLIA-YAD since her appointment to the position of the Executive Office of the "Buddha's Light Youth Center" by Grand Master Hsing Yun in 1998. Lastly, I would like to thank BLIA-YAD Los Angeles for their help to complete the "BLIA-YAD World Headquarters' 5th Anniversary Yearbook", YAD Vancouver and YAD Sully for their assistance in completing "Buddha's Light Group Activity Handbook". Most importantly, I would like to thank all the BLIA-YADs for their active participation. It is because of everyone's involvement that we have been able to establish 85 subdivisions in the short period of five years, radiating our passion throughout the world, warming the hearts of local people and setting a good example for the youth of today.

All in all, the success of a movement is never the achievement of a single man. It all depends on the combinations of causes and conditions. Without the accompaniment of greenery, the splendor of the flowers would not shine through; without being complemented by the flowers, the vitality of greenery would not come through. If we were to ask who benefited from all the merits in these last five years, in Dharma "we are all equal, there is no great or small merit", it is those who are able to pass on the Dharma that have the greatest contribution. Hence, "How do we continue this strength? How do we organize them? How do we motivate them?" These are the challenges we Buddha's Light members have to face today, and this is exactly why Grand Master Hsing Yun established BLIA-YAD. Therefore, I hope people with similar vision like us can work together, encourage our children to become members of BLIA-YAD and support BLIA-YAD, in order to deepen the core belief in Buddhism and let Buddhism prosper for thousand years to come.

佛光法水 萬古流芳

這五年來,佛光青年團從零到現在分布在五大洲,八十五個地區,平日於世界各地積極參與社會活動,更以有組織的方式從事各項文化、教育、慈善等淨化世道人心 的工作,且得到各界的好評,種種這成就,學人要特別感謝大師,給弟子這個機會學習;也感謝總會秘書長慈容法師,在許多方面的指導;而四次大會能夠順利完 成,要感謝中華總會的全力支持,尤其黃金寶師姐,她無怨無悔的付出,才能一次次地將大會完成;而廖素玉老師馬不停蹄,巡迴各地指導團康,厚實青年的活動品 質,也在此感謝。另外,自從九八年年底大師任命葉惠貞老師擔任「佛光青年中心」執行長的職務,不斷為佛光青年團注入新血輪,在此也一併感謝。最後學人要感 謝的是,洛杉磯青年分團的協助完成「國際佛光會青年總團部五週年特刊」、溫哥華及素里青年分團協助完成「國際佛光青年團康手冊」,最最要感謝的是世界各地 佛光青年的積極參與,由於大家的參與,我們才能在短短的五年內,成立八十五個分團,且在世界各地散發出我們青年的光和熱,溫暖了當地人的心,也為當代青年 立下了做人處事的楷模。

總之,一件事情的成就絕對不是一兩個人可以完成的,須賴各種因緣的和合,沒有綠葉的襯托,無法突顯紅花的亮麗;沒有紅花的迎風招揚,綠葉也顯不出它的生 氣,若問誰在短短五年內最有功勞,「是法平等 無有高下」,能將佛法弘傳下去的人最有功勞。因而如何延續這股力量﹖如何組織他們﹖如何帶動他們?是現今我們佛光人必須正視的課題,也正是大師創辦佛光青 年團的主要原因﹐因而希望有志之士,一起努力,鼓勵我們的孩子加入青年團﹑支持青年團,讓信仰的根紮的深﹑播的遠﹐讓佛光法脈綿延不絕﹐萬古流芳。